
Last updated: 30 Jan. 2022

Quickz is a platform for creating live quizzes.

Some data collection is required for the site to function. This data includes, IP addresses, usernames, email addresses and any other data explicitly entered into the website (such as the content of comments or decks)

Quickz makes use of a self-hosted Plausible Analytics instance to track privacy friendly web analytics. Up to date information regarading the data collected by Plausible can be found at the Plausible website. If you would not like this data to be tracked, block the domain.

Decks can be marked as private or public. This determines whether the deck is visible to other users, however there is no guarantee for confidentiality. Site administrators have the ability to view private decks.

Quickz uses Google OAuth for the authentication process.

Email addresses collected through the sign up process may be used for support or user experience research.

Children under 13 may only sign up for a Quickz account with parental consent. is self hosted in Switzerland, however it makes use of the following third party services which help it stay online. Further privacy information can be found on each's respective websites. Cloudflare, Google, Google Fonts, Kahoot, Blooket

If you have any questions, would like to request data export/deletion, or need anything else, contact [email protected]

Please note that Quickz is currently very small and as writing is a hobby project of one student.