TDevs - Data ETL Astronomer

Created by: @vincentntang

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  • Last updated last year
  • Created last year

Played 1 times

Practiced 0 times

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What is the correct syntax to declare a tuple in Python?
(1, 2, 3)
tuple(1, 2, 3)
[1, 2, 3]
{1, 2, 3}
In the world of data science, what does ETL stand for?
Estimated Time Latency
Extract Transform Load
Enhanced Time-series Loader
Execute Transmission Logic
Which of these is NOT a typical component of Workflow Management Systems (WfMS)?
Routing system
Distribution system
Coordination system
Integration system
The Apache Group maintains the Apache License, a popular FOSS/copyleft license. Which of the following permissions is limited by the Apache License?
Commercial use
Private use
Patent use
Trademark use
What was the name of the main speaker at the last Tampa Devs event (on November 21st)
Christopher Thompson
Connor Tumbleson
Charles Thissen
Carter Thomson